End Of Lease Cleaning Brunswick

End of Lease Cleaning Brunswick provides 100% Bond back cleaning guaranteed in Brunswick. While vacating your house, you must clean your house from top to bottom with certain categories of things and make sure you follow your real-estate agent’s checklist. It is really important to have proper cleaning so you can get you bond back. End Of Lease Cleaning Brunswick is expert in terms of cleaning and getting your bond back without any issues. If you are living in Brunswick then call us and book with us and get 10% off on online booking. We offer 7 days bond back cleaning guaranteed so you won’t face any issues.

Many Real- estate agents from Brunswick will ask you to everything from top to bottom including walls mark clean, kitchen from top to bottom, bathrooms, toilet, kitchen with range hood cleaning, cupboards from inside and outside, oven cleaning, windows from inside and carpet steam cleaning. No matter what condition of the house is, we will give you bond back guaranteed. Many companies quote lower amount while booking the job, but once cleaners arrive at the property, they will try to increase the price, and however you will never face this issue with us. No matter whatever condition of the house is, you will get you bond back guaranteed and we will never ever increase the price of cleaning.

Why book with us in Brunswick

  • 100% Bond Back Cleaning Guaranteed
  • Reliable cleaners and trustworthy
  • 7 Days Bond Back Cleaning Guaranteed
  • Eco-friendly cleaning service
  • Easy communication
  • Proper Invoice/Receipt with Bond Back Cleaning Guaranteed
  • Competitive low price

100% Bond Back Cleaning Brunswick

End of Lease cleaning Brunswick has high experienced cleaners and new techniques of cleaning to fulfil your requirements and give you bond back. Many companies have not professional cleaners and they face issues to get their bond back. We have cleaned many houses in last 7 years, but we hardly had few calls that say come back and clean it for us again. Bond back cleaning Brunswick

End Of Lease Cleaning Brunswick Checklist

Kitchen :
  • Clean all surfaces
  • Clean interior and exterior of all cupboards and drawers
  • Clean all counter tops, splash back and surface areas
  • Clean interior and exterior of oven, microwave, dishwasher, fridge, defrost freezer (Extra Cost)
  • Clean stove, hotplates, grill and rangehood
  • Clean, scour and polish sink and taps
  • Clean windows, window sills, window and door frames, handles, bug screens (From Inside)
  • Clean all light switches and power points
  • Vacuum and mop all floors
  • Oven Cleaning (Charges depends on the model & how messy it is)
Bathroom & Laundry :
  • Clean all surface areas, shower rails and mirrors
  • Clean and sanitise toilet, sink and bath
  • Clean, scour and polish all taps
  • Clean and scrub all tiles and grouts
  • Remove any mould from walls, tiles and ceiling
  • Remove debris from plugholes
  • Clean and sanitise shower curtain or shower doors or screens
  • Clean door, door frame and handle
  • Clean all light switches and power points
  • Clean interior and exterior of all cupboards and drawers
  • Clean clothes dryer filter
  • Clean and sanitise laundry basin
  • Sweep and mop all floors
Bedroom, Living Area, Hallway :
  • Clean all surface areas
  • Clean doors, door frames and handles
  • Clean all light switches and power points
  • Vacuum and mop all floors
  • Clean interior and exterior of all cupboards and drawers
  • Clean all mirrors and glass surfaces from inside
  • Clean windows, window sills, window frames, bug screens from inside
  • Clean stair banisters and railings
  • Dust and clean light fixtures
  • Remove cobwebs
  • Dust and clean millwork, cornices and baseboards
  • Spot clean marks on wall and ceiling (Walls mark cleaning)